December 04, 2009


Some days I don't have much to say, but want to talk just the same. Not about anything in particular, with any goals or point to it. Like right now. I'm at work, and should be working. Fortunately for me, I'm getting a better understanding of my new job and what I'm supposed to be doing in it, so it's mostly under control, even if I'm not going full-tilt. So I'm not worried. I've got things handled. They're under control.

But I want to just talk to someone.

I'm not upset, and I don't really need anybody for anything, I'm not emotionally distressed or even all that lonely. Even if this place can be a place of stress and isolation, I'm doing all right.

So, for lack of having someone I can just chat with about nonsense without getting a stern look from my manager, I turn to writing. Nothing big, just a little wandering blurb to distract me from the banality that is the office. The Fair Folk would expire here from the drab atmosphere. Indeed, there is no sense of spirit here. Only drive, boredom, frustration, accomplishment. Even creativity is carefully organized and run through multiple screenings before it's considered acceptable. Sure, people eat, exercise, even rest in the quiet windowless rooms designed for such purposes... this place could be its own arcology for how self-contained it is. Book faires come to us, as do blood drives and charities. We have an entire floor dedicated to food and its consumption, complete with Mongolian Grill and Sushi Bar. There is a gym and several break rooms with vending machines of all kinds, and a cafe to boot. One room even has a hammock. But nobody uses it: they're always to busy to rest or relax. They snarf down candy bars and power bars and drink sodas and latte's and energy drinks. They may ake time to work out, pump iron or jog to keep the body fit... but the spirit has no place here. It's run-run-run until you go home.

So right now, I'm taking a moment to write, and foster that little rebellious creative muse within my soul. Just for a moment. I dare not let her go hungry lest she wither completely. It takes vigilance to guard her from the banality of this place as is.

I'm not saying this place is bad - far from. But perhaps, just once in a while... I'd like to talk to someone.

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